mardi 11 avril 2017

Tunisia: General Directorate of Civil Aviation and the Civil Aviation and Airports Authority (OACA) about to merge

Tunisia: General Directorate of Civil Aviation and the Civil Aviation and Airports Authority (OACA) about to merge
Tunisia is set to introduce a bill on creation of a national civil aviation authority. The General  Manager of General Directorate of Civil Aviation , Habib MEKK , made this known two weeks ago  at a day’s workshop  on project "Support to the strengthening of  civil aviation institutions"  with European Union.

For many years, Tunisian air transport has experienced a weakening in the supervision of security and control, discrepancies in abiding with international regulations. Aviation experts explained that the overlapping of attributions between DGAC and OACA is partly the cause of this weaknesses.

According to Habib MEKKI, the new institution will contribute in revamping of national aviation sector. It will be a self-funded government institution and gather the staff of the current DGAC and the OACA.

This initiative is one of key point of the project "Support to the strengthening of civil aviation institutions " between Tunisia and France launched in November 2016. 1.2 million euros funded by the European Union, this project will upgrade Tunisia civil aviation management relying on officials with enhanced professionalism.

Established in 1971, OACA, is a public industrial and commercial institution under the Ministry of Transport, responsible for management, development, operation, maintenance and development of international airports, as well as regional and local air traffic control in Tunisia and navigation services.

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