jeudi 18 mai 2017


Air Cote D’ivoire is reinforcing its ambition to become leader of West African market. The Ivory Coast’s flag carrier will receive two new Airbus A320s planes, Airline’s Top management said. The first plane will join the fleet by July and the second is planned for October.

This acquisition will strengthen the airline’s fleet which totalizes today 10 planes. “Enough to strengthen regional network and target international routes” administration said.

The carrier  actually reaches 19 international routes throughout West and Central Africa (Accra, Abuja , Bamako, Brazzaville, Conakry, Cotonou, Dakar, Douala, Freetown, Kinshasa, Lagos, Libreville, Lomé, Monrovia, Niamey, N’djamena, Ouagadougou, Pointe Noire, Yaoundé)  and  5 domestic destinations in Ivory Coast(Bouaké, Korhogo, San-Pedro, Odienné et Man).

Launched in 2012, Air Cote d’Ivoire flies a fleet of 04 Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 and 06 Airbus aircraft including 04 A319 and 02 A320. It operates with 578 agents including 87 pilots.

The firm order of 2 Airbus A320 neo and 2 A320 was signed in April 2016 after Air Côte D’Ivoire had profiled its expansion strategy.


La compagnie nationale de Côte Ivoire ne cache plus ses ambitions de devenir  leader du transport aérien  dans la sous-région Ouest africaine. L’arrivée prochaine  de deux nouveaux  Airbus A320 témoigne à suffisance ce positionnement.

La direction générale  d’Air Cote D’ivoire a annoncé l’entrée en flotte de deux nouveaux avions modernes de type Airbus A320. L’acquisition du premier avion est prévue pour le mois de Juillet tandis que le second est planifié pour le mois d’Octobre de cette année.

Avec ces deux monocouloirs moyen-courrier, Air Cote D’ivoire portera sa flotte à 12 avions.  « Nombres appréciables  » d’après les dirigeants  pour assurer la couverture du  réseau régional  et attaquer les  lignes internationales.

Fondée  en 2012, la compagnie au fil du temps a étendu  ses dessertes. De son hub ’Abidjan, elle relie aujourd’hui  19 villes africaines (Accra, Abuja , Bamako, Brazzaville, Conakry, Cotonou, Dakar, Douala, Freetown, Kinshasa, Lagos, Libreville, Lomé, Monrovia, Niamey, N’djamena, Ouagadougou, Pointe Noire, Yaoundé) et dessert 5 aéroports domestiques (Bouaké, Korhogo, San-Pedro, Odienné et Man).

La flotte actuelle comprend quatre Airbus A319,  deux Airbus A320 et  quatre Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 pour un effectif de 578 personnes dont 87 pilotes.

Pour rappel c’est en avril 2016 que Air Cote d’ivoire avait signé la commande ferme portant sur deux A320neo et deux A320.

mercredi 17 mai 2017


Après la mise sur pied d’une commission ad hoc pour examiner leurs revendications, les techniciens de maintenance d’Air Algérie ont mis fin à leur mouvement d’humeur, orchestré en matinée sans aucun préavis.

Mardi, après plusieurs vols domestiques et internationaux reportés ou annulés en matinée, les techniciens de maintenance (mécaniciens) d’Air Algérie ont mis fin à leur mouvement d’humeur en début d’après midi. 

Selon Ahmed Boutoumi, président du Syndicat national des techniciens de la maintenance d’Air Algérie (SNTMA), initiateur de la grève, « une commission ad hoc, constituée de la SNTMA et de responsables d’Air Algérie, va être installée pour étudier toutes les propositions relatives aux revendications des techniciens de la maintenance ». Ce qui a permis de mettre fin à la grève, et la reprise effective du trafic aérien dans l’après midi.

 Ayant pris acte des revendications des syndicalistes, le directeur général par intérim d’Air Algérie, Bakhouche Alleche, a demandé à ces derniers un délai d’un an pour prendre une décision à propos de leurs doléances.  Car dit til, la situation financière actuelle de la compagnie ne permet pas d’y répondre immédiatement. « La proposition de monsieur Alleche sera portée à la connaissance des travailleurs de la maintenance, et nous étudierons la suite à donner au mouvement de protestation », a conclu monsieur Boutoumi, leader du SNTMA.

Il faut rappeler qu’à l’origine de ce mouvement d’humeur observé sans préavis, les travailleurs réclament le classement du personnel technique selon la nouvelle convention collective. Elle qui place les techniciens de maintenance en deuxième position dans la catégorisation ; après les pilotes, et avant les hôtesses de l’air et les stewards. Or, au jour d’aujourd’hui, c’est l’ancienne convention qui les met en troisième position derrière les pilotes, les hôtesses de l’air et les stewards, qui est en vigueur.


 FATEH BEKHTI, Algerian air traffic controller has been roped in as the new executive vice president of IFACTA. The announcement was made at the 3rd day of IFATCA annual meeting in Toronto, Canada on Wednesday, May 17.

Mr FATEH is replacing KEZIAH OGUTU from Kenya. For the next two years, he will be in charge of vitalizing activities of IFATCA in Africa and Middle East.

In recent years , FATEH BEKHTI has dedicated his time to promote and uphold a high standard of knowledge and professional efficiency among air traffic controllers.

The new EVP brings with him 15 years of experience, which includes full work as member of  IFATCA's Technical and Operational Committee (TOC) and IFATCA regional representative on Safety of airports and runways.

When ask about Fateh’s qualities that led to the appointment , his colleagues reference his dynamism, competence and multi-tasking skills.

FATEH BEKHTI works as Approach Radar controller at Alger Houari Boumediene International Airport. He speaks fluently English, French and Arab.

Created in 1961, IFATCA is a worldwide organisation representing more than fifty thousand air traffic controllers in 126 countries.

CONFERENCE ANNUELLE DE l’IFATCA : L’algérien FATEH BEKHTI prend la tête de la vice-présidence de l'organisation.

Il a été élu dans la  matinée du mercredi 17 Mai, 3ieme jour de la  conférence IFATCA qui se tient depuis lundi à  l’hôtel Chelsea de Toronto au Canada.

Plébiscité au détriment de la candidature de l’Ouganda, il remplace à ce poste la kenyane KESIAH OGUTU arrivée au terme de son mandat.

Pendant 02 ans, il aura la charge de  cordonner et de dynamiser  les  activités de l’IFATCA dans la zone  Afrique et Moyen Orient qui comprend  43 associations de contrôleurs aériens.

Pétri de ses 15 années expérience, FATEH BEKHTI maitrise bien l’environnement régional et international du contrôle aérien. Il est membre du comité technique et des Opérations de l’IFATCA et représentant régional de l’IFACTA sur la sécurité des aéroports et des pistes.

Contrôleur Radariste Approche à l’aéroport international Houari Boumediene d’Alger, ses collègues lui collent l’étiquette de collaborateur multitâche, compétent et dynamique dans son travail.

FATEH BEKHTI  parle couramment l’Anglais, le Français et l’Arabe.

Créee en 1961, l’International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations (IFATCA) est une organisation internationale qui regroupe 126 associations soit environ 50 000 contrôleurs aériens à travers le monde. Elle a pour objectifs de promouvoir la sécurité, l'efficacité et la régularité de la navigation aérienne internationale ;  promouvoir et maintenir un haut niveau de connaissances et d'efficacité professionnelle au sein des contrôleurs; parrainer et appuyer l'adoption de lois et de règlements qui renforceront  la sécurité de la navigation aérienne.

lundi 15 mai 2017


L'hôtel Chelsea de Toronto au Canada abrite depuis ce lundi 15 mai, la 56ieme conférence annuelle de l’IFATCA, la fédération internationale des associations des contrôleurs aériens.

Alors que s’ouvre les travaux autour du thème « Taking Care of Business Together » en présence de  près de 400 participants venus du monde entier,  on constate une sous-représentativité  des associations de contrôleurs aériens du continent africain.
 Des 39 corporations africaines membres de l’IFATCA, seules 11 répondent à  l’appel. Il s’agir de  l’Afrique du Sud, l’Algérie,  l’Angola, le Cameroun, le Ghana, le Kenya, le Nigeria, l’Ouganda, le Sénégal,  la Somalie et  la Zambie.
 Interrogé sur les motifs de cette  participation timide, un membre du bureau de l’APCCA, l’Association Professionnelle des Contrôleurs Aériens du Congo  explique «  Nos associations fonctionnent  sur la base des cotisations des adhérents. Peu sont celles qui bénéficient des  subventions extérieures. Les déplacements  à l’international étant couteux,  la plupart préfère se focaliser sur les conférences régionales qui se déroulent sur le continent»   
Il déplore par ailleurs le  fonctionnement des associations   où il note «  un  désintérêt pour la chose associative ».
Pour un ancien président de l’AMCA, Association Marocaine des Contrôleurs Aériens « C’est davantage  la gestion, la planification  et des querelles internes au sein des associations qu’il faut questionner ici».
Crée en 1961, l’International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations (IFATCA) est une organisation internationale qui regroupe 126 associations soit environ 50 000 contrôleurs aériens à travers le monde. Elle a pour objectifs de promouvoir la sécurité, l'efficacité et la régularité de la navigation aérienne internationale ;  promouvoir et maintenir un haut niveau de connaissances et d'efficacité professionnelle au sein des contrôleurs aériens ; parrainer et appuyer l'adoption de lois et de règlements qui renforceront  la sécurité de la navigation aérienne ;  Coopérer étroitement avec les autorités aéronautiques internationales et nationales et les institutions concernées par la navigation aérienne.

La BAD et Air Côte d'Ivoire envisagent la création d'une école d'aéronautique régionale à l'Institut national polytechnique Houphouët-Boigny de Yamoussoukro

C’est en substance ce qui ressort de la visite de l’institut, le vendredi 12 mai 2017,  de AIDA N’GOM, chargée d’investissement à la BAD (Banque africaine de développement), et de NATACHA KADIO, directrice des ressources humaines d’Air Côte d’Ivoire.

Lors d’un échange avec  Koffi N’Guessan, directeur général de l’Institut national polytechnique Houphouët Boigny, les deux femmes ont reconnu les opportunités qu’offrent la ville de Yamoussoukro en général et l’INP-HB en particulier, pour la création d’une école africaine d’aviation. Car disposant (l’INP-HB ndlr) de locaux, d’infrastructures, de ressources humaines qualifiées,  d’un aérodrome avec un espace aérien quasi inoccupé à Yamoussoukro; et de partenaires  internationaux tels que Airbus industrie, ANAC, Air Côte D’Ivoire et Airways collège. A ceci s’ajoute, selon Koffi N’Guessan, le fait que son institut dispense plusieurs cours qui rentrent dans la formation des métiers de maintenance dans le domaine de l’aéronautique. Pour lui, il faut tout simplement basculer, mais dans la sécurité des normes.

Yamoussoukro doit pouvoir être un pôle très structuré en aéronautique avec la création des autres corps de métier liés au domaine de l’aviation, mais on aura besoin d’appui parce que la formation en aéronautique coûte chère, a-t-il indiqué à ses hôtes. Il va plus loin en affirmant que son ambition est de créer une école bilingue (Français-Anglais), afin d’offrir à toute l’Afrique des formations d’ingénieurs, pilotes mécaniciens, électroniciens et agents de maintenance en tout autre métier lié à l’aviation. Avant de conclure : cette école viendra combler le déficit de formation dans le domaine, dans la sous-région, et donnera des opportunités d’emplois. Une vision qu’épouse la Banque africaine de développement à travers sa chargée d’investissement Aida N’Gom.

Il faut rappeler qu’en janvier 2017,  un  accord cadre de partenariat  avait déjà été signée entre l’école de formation de pilotes de ligne française Airways Collège et l’INP-HB. Lequel accord offrait la  possibilité aux pilotes africains qui le désirent de se former en cote d’ivoire 

vendredi 12 mai 2017


Airport workers made this known in a public statement released following an extraordinary meeting held on Thursday, 11 May at ASECNA’s representation Hall.

Unionized under the umbrella of Syndicat national des travailleurs de la météorologie et de l’aviation civile (Synatrama) and  Syndicat uni des travailleurs de l’aviation civile et de la météorologie (Sutracim) ,  they call a 48 hour-extendable strike from  Wednesday , 17 May.

Workers voted for industrial action in protest over the Cotonou airport’s concession started by of HERVÉ HÊHOMEY, ministry of Transports.

The ministry has granted a tacit agreement of Cotonou Airport management to a private foreign company prior to a fruitful and including consultation.

In an interview dated back to January , François KPèdotossi , Secretary General of SUTRACIM/ASECNA questioned the capacity of new Airport manager to keep and protect their jobs.

According to him, workers are mainly angry because government seems to move one-sidedly while the ministry took a commitment to include union representatives at any level of negotiations on airport concession issue.

The decision to concede Cotonou and domestic airports to a private management was adopted during the ministry cabinet held January, 11, 2017.



Benin and Kenya are now connected more than before. “The president Uhuru Kenyatta has decided to lift up visa restrictions for Beninese citizens” reported Aurélien AGBENONCI, Benin ministry of foreign affairs and cooperation in a statement.

This engagement comes after a three-day state visit of Benin’s president Patrice Talon in Kenya. Started on Tuesday, Patrice Talon and his Kenyan counterpart , Uhuru Kenyatta hold bilateral talks in various sectors of cooperation including aviation.

This decision copes with African Union’s (AU) 2063 Agenda ambitioning to implement a minimum 30-day visa for African citizens visiting any African country by 2018 and a continental passport by 2017.

lundi 8 mai 2017

Tunisia: TUNISAIR co-hosts AFRAA’s 6th Aviation Stakeholders Convention

The 6th Aviation Stakeholders Convention opened this Monday, 7 at Médina Méditerranea Complex in Yasmine Hammamet, North Tunisia. The convention is being convened by African Airlines Association (AFRAA) in partnership with Tunisair.

Over 300 delegates have started a two-day peer review on how to foster dialogue, build sustainable networks in supply chain management and create a competitive environment for aviation business in the continent.

Entitled “Collaboration for sustainable aviation growth in Africa”, the conference attracts airlines, Civil Aviation Authorities, airports, Air Navigation Service Providers and other aviation stakeholders.

The conference also features many exhibitors from various sectors, including aircraft manufacturers, commercial aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MROs), Ground Handling, Training Centres, Consultants and Flight Support.

It’s the first time that  Tunisia has hosted such event. The request was made by TUNISAIR in April 2016 during the 169th Executive Committee Meeting in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia.

African Airlines Association (AFRAA) was established in April, 1968 in Accra, Ghana. It represents some 39 African Airlines carrying 85% of the Africa’s air traffic.

dimanche 30 avril 2017


The King Salman authorized the minister of transport and board chairman of the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) to sign two draft agreements between Saudi Arabia and the governments of Benin and Djibouti in the area of air transport services. The announcement was made last April 24th in a statement released after the monthly ministerial cabinet meeting.


Airports all across Africa are modernizing their infrastructures. Whether constructed out of asphalt or concrete, runways are getting longer. With fast growing traffic announced, they are set to be at capacity. has compiled runway specifications from all international and commercial airports which are operational around the continent.

Data is for April 2017 and sources either from national civil aviation authority database or airport operator information.

The results have crowned Harare International Airport in Zimbabwe as the biggest Africa International airport by longest runway. With a length of 4725 meters, it’s even among the longest in the world.

Here are the top 20 biggest airports in Africa.

  1.  Harare International Airport  (  Harare ,  Zimbabwe) : 4725 m
  2. N'djili  International Airport ( Kinshasa , Congo ) :  4700 m
  3. Hosea Kutako International Airport ( Windhoek , Namibia)  : 4,532 m
  4.  O. R. Tambo International Airport (  Johannesburg , South Africa)  4,418 m
  5.   Jomo Kenyatta International Airport ( Nairobi ,  Kenya ) : 4117m
  6.  Cairo International Airport (Cairo, Egypt) : 4000 m
  7. Seretse Khama International Airport ( Gaborone , Botswana) : 4000 m
  8. Taba International Airport (Taba, Egypt) : 4000 m
  9.  Victoria Falls International  Airport (Victoria, Zimbabwe) :   4000m
  10.   Hurghada International Airport (Hurghana, Egypt) : 4000 m
  11. Murtala-Muhammed  international Airport (Lagos, Nigeria) : 3900 m
  12. Bole  International Airport (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) : 3800 m
  13. Mohammed V International Airport (Casablanca, Maroc) : 3720 m
  14. Quatro de Fevereiro  International Airport (Luanda, Angola) : 3716 m
  15.  King Shaka International Airport ( Durban , South Africa) : 3700m
  16. Maputo  international  Airport (Maputo, Mozambique) : 3660 m
  17. Entebbe International Airport (Entebbe, Uganda) : 3658 m
  18. Kilimanjaro international Airport (Kilimanjaro , Tanzania) : 3607m
  19. Nouakchott-Oumtounsy International Airport (Nouakchott, Mauritania) : 3600 m
  20. Bujumbura International Airport ( Bujumbura , Burundi) : 3600 m

              Central Africa 
  1. N'djili  International Airport ( Kinshasa , RDC) :  4700 m
  2. Yaoundé international Airport ( Yaoundé , Cameroun ): 3400 m
  3. Maya Maya International Airport ( Brazzaville , Congo ) : 3300 m
  4. Lubumbashi International Airport (Lubumbashi, RDC) : 3207 m
  5. Léon MBA International Airport (Libreville,  Gabon) : 3000m 

             East Africa
  1. Jomo Kenyatta International Airport ( Nairobi ,  Kenya ) : 4117m
  2. Bole International Airport (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) : 3800 m
  3. Entebbe International Airport (Entebbe, Uganda) : 3658 m
  4. Kilimanjaro international Airport (Kilimanjaro , Tanzania) : 3607m
  5. Bujumbura International Airport ( Bujumbura , Burundi) : 3600 m 

           North Africa
  1. Cairo International Airport (Cairo, Egypt) : 4000 m
  2. Taba International Airport (Taba, Egypt) : 4000 m
  3. Hurghada International Airport (Hurghana, Egypt) : 4000 m
  4. Mohammed V International Airport (Casablanca, Maroc) : 3720 m
  5. Tamanrasset International Airport (Tamanrasset, Algeria) : 3600 m

          South Africa
  1. Harare International Airport  (  Harare ,  Zimbabwe) : 4725 m
  2. Hosea Kutako International Airport ( Windhoek , Namibia)  : 4,532 m
  3. O. R. Tambo International Airport (  Johannesburg , South Africa)  4,418 m
  4. Seretse Khama International Airport ( Gaborone , Botswana) : 4000 m
  5. Victoria Falls International  Airport (Victoria, Zimbabwe) :   4000m

          West Africa
  1. Murtala-Muhammed  international Airport (Lagos, Nigeria) : 3900 m
  2. Nouakchott-Oumtounsy International Airport (Nouakchott, Mauritania) : 3600 m
  3. Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport (Abuja , Nigeria ) :  3600 m
  4. Banjul International Airport  ( Banjul , Gambia) : 3600 m
  5. Leopold Sedar Senghor  International Airport (Dakar, Senegal)  3490 m 

With a length of 4206 meters, Bugesera International Airport, in construction in the south east of Rwanda will soon join the Top 5 in Africa.

Blaise Diagne international airport in Senegal is planned to be operational by the end of 2017. 3500 meters being its runway length, it will be among the longest runway in the West Africa.

vendredi 28 avril 2017

ALGERIA and GABON : bilateral air agreement signed

Algerian national carriers can now fly to Gabon following the signing of an Air Services Agreement (ASA) between Algeria and Gabon on April 20.

The ASA was signed between Algerian Director of civil aviation and meteorology at Ministry of public works and, M SMAIN YOUCEF AZIZI and, Gabonese Director of National Civil Aviation Agency M. DOMINIQUE OYINAMONO in Libreville.
 The agreement grants air traffic rights between the national carriers of both countries in conformity with regulation. The decision to operate on the new route to Libreville will depend on Algerian airlines based on their feasibility studies and commercial viability.
Despite there is no national carrier in Gabon , this agreement may further enhance international air connectivity, bringing both trade and tourism benefits.

mardi 25 avril 2017

CAMEROON/Yaoundé, to host a workshop on Airdrome certification

A regional seminar from Monday 24th to 28th April on airdrome certification is being hosted in Yaoundé by Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority

A regional seminar from Monday 24th to 28th April on airdrome certification is being hosted in Yaoundé by Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority.
In partnership with Federal aviation administration experts, over 50 representatives from across the Africa aviation community are debating on ongoing certification process. The participants share experiences and discuss the challenges faced by their respective organizations.
During the opening session, CCAA Director General PAULE ASSOUMOU KOKI stressed that technical personnel who are competent to handle the challenges must be trained to achieve the certification process. “In the process of airdrome certification, it is well known that availability of expensive works and equipment, cannot solve the issue alone. It is important to train human resourcesshe said.

Airdrome certification is among the safety targets set by Ministerial Conference of aviation in Africa held in Abuja, Nigeria in July 2012 in other to enhance safety standards in Africa. Togo with Lome International Airport is the only airport certified (2014)  among Western  and Central  African countries.

vendredi 21 avril 2017

Mali/ Governement reshuffle : A Laywer takes over the new portfolio of transports

Me Baber GANO has been appointed as the new minister of transports. He succeeds TRAORE Seynabou DIOP in government minor cabinet reshuffle on April 11.

Baber GANO, 52,  is a Lawyer with  23 years’experience . He is specialized in areas of criminal and commercial procedure, administrative litigation, electoral disputes and business law.

He is the secretary general of the presidential party RPM

Certification of  Président Modibo Keita-Senou International Airport is among his top  priorities , he told a meeting with transport departments directors on Monday.

Ivory Coast :CFA8.5 billion to modernize Abidjan International Airport

 Ivory Coast  :CFA8.5 billion  to modernize Abidjan International Airport
AERIA, the concessionary company of Felix Houphouet-Boigny International Airport has agreed a CFA 8.5 billion loans with PROPARCO, a subsidiary of l’Agence  Française  de Développement.

The 11-year maturity loan will contribute to relieve airport congestion and extend its capacity as traffic is increasing.

This support is a part a CFA 41 billion huge investment program initiated by Ivorian Government. It’s aimed at improving the airport’s infrastructure. It includes construction of 10 gates for small and medium aircrafts, extension of Long haul gates and construction of a parallel taxiway enabling the sustainability of traffic during peak hours, authorities explained.

Built in 70s , Felix Houphouët-Boigny International Airport is one of the busiest airport in West Africa with a record capacity of 1.8 million passengers in 2016.

In 2012 , Ivory Coast was granted  with CFA9.2 billion PROPARCO credit with a  view to maintaining Abidjan airport’s  status as key  airport in the region and replacing aging facilities.

Central Africa Republic /Airport facilities : 12 domestic airdromes rehabilitated

Central Africa Republic /Airport facilities : 12 domestic airdromes rehabilitated

Past escalating crises that occurred in CAR have severely damaged the national transport network of this landlocked country. Thanks to LONDO project, twelve airdromes have just been upgraded.

“The airfields of Berberati, Ndélé, Bamingi, Carnot, Bayanga, Nola, Bozoum, Paoua, Markounda, Sibut, Mbres and Kaga Bandoro are now  practicable and the people of our cities rejoice with testimonies
" monitoring committee of LONDO project said in a statement.

Speaking with journalists, the National Coordinator of the project LUCIEN JUDICAËL MONTINDAS explained that the refection of airstrips will then easier the logistic work of United Nations and several national and international NGOs which are operating across the country.

Efforts done to upgrade domestic airdromes are appreciable. But they are not yet sufficient to cope with international standards. Bangui Mpoko   Airport is the only international airport in the country with an low average of 3000 movements per  year.

LONDO ( 'Stand-Up' in Sango, national dialect in CAR) project is a World Bank initiative. Started in July 2015 with $20 million budget, it aims to provide temporary employment to vulnerable people throughout the entire territory of the country.

mardi 18 avril 2017



👉 Where?   Medina Mediterranean , Yasmine Hammamet , Tunisie
👉 When ? :07-09 May,  2017.
👉 Theme :  Collaboration for sustainable aviation growth in Africa

👉 Details : The Aviation Stakeholders Convention (ASC) is an initiative borne out of AFRAA’s members’ deliberations on the need to bring together various stakeholders of the industry with the view to foster dialogue, build sustainable networks in supply chain management, create a competitive environment for business and improve the aviation business support base in the continent.

The 2017 Convention will be convened under the hosting of TUNISAIR and organised in partenership with Medina Events. It’s expected to attract over 500 high profile delegates, speakers, panelists and session moderators from the aviation industry in Africa, Europe, Middle East, Asia and North America.

lundi 17 avril 2017

Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT)-Zaria: The best aviation school in Africa

The Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT), Zaria has been rewarded as the best training institute with the highest number of trained instructors in addition to highest number of ICAO courses.

NCAT received the Award prize at the TRAINAIR PLUS symposium held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia   last week. 

“This Certification came after an exhaustive statistical inspection of NCAT Training facilities, instructional staff, course content and programmes by a team of GAT experts’’ the NCAT management proudly said in a statement.

In the view of this international recognition, NCAT has been allowed to conduct additional courses such as, Government Safety Inspector Airworthiness Course- Air Operator and Approved Maintenance Organization Certification, Government Safety Inspector Operations Course- Air Operators Certification Course.

While dedicating the award to the Honorable minister of Transport Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi and Honorable Minister of State (Aviation), Sen. Hadi Sirika for their commitment to the development of NCAT, the Rector of NCAT Captain Abdulsalami Mohammed pleaded with the Federal Government to provide NCAT with a sustainable allocations in view to become an ICAO Regional Training Centre of Excellence.

NCAT offers regular training programmes in Flying, Aviation Management, Air Traffic Services/ Communication, Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Courses and Aeronautical Telecommunications Engineering.

The Nigerian College of Aviation Technology, Zaria is the oldest aviation school in Nigeria. It was set up by Act. No 31 on October 23 1964. Since its inception, NCAT has produced over 20000 professionals for the Aviation industry in Nigeria and beyond. 

ILS ONT DIT | Dr. FANG LIU , ICAO Secretary General, opening address, Fourth ICAO Global Aviation Training and TRAINAIR PLUS Symposium, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11th April 2017.

« Over the next twenty years, -the- projected growth will require many new skilled personnel such as pilots, maintenance engineers and air traffic controllers …These pressing needs for aviation personnel, especially in light of competition for their skills from other high-tech sectors, make clear for us that we must address our persisting training capacity gaps sooner than later, ultimately ensuring a sustainable skilled workforce for the future of civil aviation.  »

Dr. FANG LIU   , ICAO Secretary General, opening address, Fourth ICAO Global Aviation Training and TRAINAIR PLUS Symposium, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 11th April 2017. 

mercredi 12 avril 2017

The competitive entrance examination into Ecole Africaine de la Météorologie et de l’Aviation Civile (EAMAC) has been launched.

The competitive entrance examination into Ecole Africaine de la Météorologie et de l’Aviation Civile (EAMAC)  has been launched. Examination shall run from 21st to 23rd June 2017.
  • Online registration is now opened :
  • Application Date: Wednesday 12th April to Friday 5th May.
  • Training Options:  See statement below 
The competitive entrance examination into Ecole Africaine de la Météorologie et de l’Aviation Civile (EAMAC)  has been launched.


Air Cote D’ivoire is reinforcing its ambition to become leader of West African market. The Ivory Coast’s flag carrier will receive two ...